Chains of Divinity

VOID | The Burning Tides | Trailer

Episode Summary

Join us on February 29th for the Festival of the Burning Tides. Bear witness to the birth of Azzim, the next in a line of God Killers.

Episode Notes

In the cliffside climbing, coastal city of Ferrous, the people give their thanks to the life-giving union of fire and water. The Tidebound Queen keeps their fishing vessels safe and ensures bountiful fishing expeditions, while the Burning Lord provides nutrition to the soil in which they grow their crops. For centuries, the people and their divine patrons have existed in a comfortable cycle of give and take, tithing and being rewarded. But how long can this relationship continue?

Our first campaign, VOID begins on February 29th. Shadows are gathering, fog is closing in, and the Tides are Burning. How will we survive?