Chains of Divinity

KISS | First Kiss | Trailer

Episode Summary

Join us on June 27th for the start of our second campaign! Join Maxine in The City as she embarks on a journey towards divinity.

Episode Notes

Before the world as we know it, there was simply The City where gods walked among their people. Philosophers, great artists and entertainers, powerful business moguls. The influence of divinity was felt throughout everything, shaping the lives of the mortals that they came into contact with.

Compliments were currency.

Friendship is a weapon.

And exclusion is the punishment for heresy.

Before the world as we know it, there was The City. And, within that city, someone is waiting. Waiting to seal the fate of the divine with a kiss.

Our second campaign, KISS, begins on June 27th. The City never sleeps, and our godkiller will be its worst nightmare. Could death be the sweetest of dreams?